The entrance of your words brings light

Selden College

Summer School

Stand by the roads and consider, inquire of the ancient paths, where is the good way, and walk in it and you will find rest for yourselves (Jeremiah 6:16)

Lord willing, Selden College will run another Summer School in 2025. 

Watch this space for dates and further details

Summer School 2024 Audio of Keynote Lectures

Monday Evening - An introduction to the Liturgy for Morning Worship

Because the worship of God is foundational to the college and the education it will provide, it is important to set out the principles and structure of the morning worship.


Tuesday Morning - Selden College: An Academic Community of Christians

The talk begins with a discussion on the work of recovery and the role of tradition,  before moving on to the main topic: Selden College as an academic community of Christians. What does this look like? How is that related to the recovery of Christian higher education? What are the characteristics of such a community?

Academic Community.mp3

Wednesday Morning - Selden College: For Such a Time as This

This talk focusses on the mission of the college, with a particular emphasis on what it means to act magnanimously.  Beginning with the classical context the talk then proceeds to the reworking of this classical virtue by Ambrose and Augustine (following the important work of J. Warren Smith, Ambrose, Augustine and the Pursuit of Greatness Cambridge: CUP, 2020), before moving on to Aquinas and Milton. This is then all related to the mission of the college and why such a mission is vital for a ‘time such as this’.


Thursday Morning - Selden College: The Curriculum

This talk outlines the broad contours of the curriculum we are building and how it relates to the mission of the college.

The Curriculum.mp3

Friday Morning - Selden College: The Centrality of Hope

This talk outlines the improtance of hope in the work of establishing Selden College. The main topic is our theological hope and is based on Psalms 2 and 110, before returning to the relationship between the virtue of magnanimity and hope as we pursue the difficult good of recovering a distinctly Christian vision of higher education.

The Centrality of Hope.mp3